A well-developed comprehensive facility master plan can save a business hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. Too often facility plans don’t incorporate the long term visions and goals of the business and lead to unnecessary spending. Every business has their own unique needs and challenges which is why we have developed a comprehensive process to prepare a detailed master plan.
We begin each plan by working closely with our clients to understand their long term business plan, vision and goals. We then create a set of goals and objectives for the facility plan.
How can we create a plan without knowing your current situation? This is why our next step is to audit every aspect of your current facilities and infrastructure. After completing the audit we’ll provide a complete set of as-built drawings and identify areas which may have shortcomings as well make recommendations for improvements.
Once we have a complete understanding the future of your business and your current position we will develop an extensive facility master plan. The plan will identify activities and projects to meet your short, mid and long term goals and objectives.
The facility master plan is a living document and should be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure the plan continues to meet the evolving needs of the business.